Marga Cabrera loves innovation and new narratives. She has a PhD in Audiovisual Communication and is a senior lecturer at UPV. She is currently researching transmedia issues and social networks. She is director of the master’s in Transmedia Communication. She is founder and co-director of Comunica2, the international congress on communication and technology.

She coordinated the BBVA-Foundation book, “Escribir para internet: guía para los nuevos medios y las redes sociales” (Writing for the internet: a guide for new media and social media). She is co-author of the book “Emprender en periodismo” (Entrepreneurial Journalism), published by UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya). She wrote a chapter in the book “Los nativos digitales no existen” (Digital natives do not exist) about parents and digital orphans. She also edited the IGI-Global book: “Digital Tools for Academic Branding and Self-Promotion”.
Since 2015, she has directed the project “Observatorio de nuevos medios en español” (Observatory of new media in the Spanish language), financed by the BBVA Foundation Grants for Researchers and Cultural Creators program, now known as Leonardo scholarships.